Thank you for inquiring about consigning or selling your toys to Toys of Times Past. Whether you're consigning or selling one piece or an entire collection, we're here to help you achieve your goal. We appreciate the time, effort and love involved in building your collection and we take the greatest care handling your toys.
CONSIGN: We accept quality consignments of either one piece or an entire collection for our upcoming auctions. We will arrange for a specialized auction of your large toy collection.
We understand how to promote your collection to achieve the maximum return. We provide
*A professional assessment of your toys
*A detailed catalog with descriptions and multiple angle pictures
*Worldwide marketing to global toy collector database
*Multiple bidding options
*Record setting prices realized
*Quick consignment payout
SELL: Toys of Times Past pays will pay you cash for your quality antique and vintage toys. We're interested in purchasing one piece or your entire collection. This is a quick and easy way to make some extra cash, downsize your collection and get rid of some of your unwanted toys.